3D Stinger Camera from Tordivel for advanced 3D image processing applications

(pressebox) Wessling, 31.07.2014 - The Scorpion 3D Stinger Camera is designed to be used in cutting-edge 3D Stereo Vision applications with or without structured light. It is compatible with the latest 3D version of Scorpion Vision Software and locates moving objects in 3D in real-time. The typical system contains two cameras with lenses, power and easy mounting. The standard unit is ready for GigE vision with an internal switch, a termination panel and an internal DC-DC conversion. The unit is fed with 24 volts. Internally 5V and 12V are available to power cameras, laser and other internal and external components.

The new Scorpion 3D Stinger RPP Laser Camera is based on the principle "projected texture stereo vision" to create a high quality dense point cloud. The 3D camera works on moving objects with or without texture.

The Scorpion 3D Stinger(TM) RPP Laser Camera consists of:

IP-64 aluminium enclosure - typical 3.5 kg

to be mounted above the object or mounted on the robot

Black Anodized Aluminium

Size: L=292 mm x D=266 mm x H=100 mm

Two XCG GigE Cameras from Sony with lenses with resolution from VGA to 5MP

Baseline of 200 mm - allows camera tilting to handle multiple operation distances

High power white or Infrared strobed LED

IR - 830 nm and Red - 660 nm Random Pattern Projection laser from Osela.

Termination panel & cables

Scorpion Stinger Control Card to driver LED and Laser and to control the image capture an strobing sequence

24v input, 5v and 12v output - Power consumption from 15 to 35 W

Working Distances from 400 - 5000 mm

GigE switch

Please visit us at the SCANAUTOMATIC 2014, Gothenburg 07. - 09. October 2014 in Hall A 01:19.
Optische Technologien
[pressebox.de] · 31.07.2014 · 10:00 Uhr
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