What the Press-Domain is saying

(pressebox) Koeln, 11.10.2014 - From journalists, bloggers and media professionals to news corporations and publishers, a press-domain gives individuals and organizations a meaningful platform to share opinions, disseminate information and influence their audience. A press-domain gives opinion makers and information sharers the perfect way to establish their credibility and grow their online reach and relevance!

With a press-domain, individuals can assert their authority and grow their personal brands by sharing knowledge or publishing their opinions on a variety of topics. Organizations, as well, can use the a press-domain extension to either establish direct, meaningful contact with their customers or as a bulletin board to publish public information and PR material. The only limits to how a press-domain can be used are imagination and thought.

Think of opinion sharing and information dissemination. Think of credibility. Think of a press-domain!

Hans-Peter Oswald

[pressebox.de] · 11.10.2014 · 10:00 Uhr
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