US Medienhaus McClatchy setzt auf Dynatrace
Mehr Online-Performance der Mobile- und Webkanäle für eine nutzerfreundliche Digitalisierung

(pressebox) Neu-Isenburg, 05.03.2015 - Die digitale Welt wächst rasant. 2015 wird laut Gartner das Jahr des digitalen Durchbruchs in Beruf und Freizeit. Die News der meisten namhaften Medienhäuser werden heute beispielsweise bereits über Mobile Devices oder Web Browser gelesen. Um die Endanwenderzufriedenheit zu garantieren, ist es von höchster Priorität, das Verhalten der digitalen Nutzer zu verstehen und proaktiv auf deren Mobile- und Web-Erfahrungen einzugehen.

Um die Zufriedenheit der digitalen Leser ihrer News sicherzustellen und auf Engpässe proaktiv hingewiesen zu werden, hat sich ein großes amerikanisches Nachrichtenhaus dazu entschlossen, Dynatrace User Experience Management (UEM) einzusetzen.

Mehr in der englischen Pressemeldung:

The McClatchy Company Selects Dynatrace to Elevate the Digital Performance of its Mobile and Web Channels

Leading Media Company Chooses Dynatrace User Experience Management to Deliver Outstanding Experiences to its Digital News Services Readers

Dynatrace, the leader in digital performance, announced that The McClatchy Company (NYSE: MNI), one of the nation's premier media organizations, has selected Dynatrace User Experience Management (UEM) to optimize the performance of its digital news services and ensure a great end user experience across its portfolio of digital products. With Dynatrace UEM, McClatchy will have the ability to understand the behavior of its digital users, and proactively identify opportunities to improve users' mobile and web experiences. Advertisers will also benefit from McClatchy's improved efficiency when delivering ads to digital readers.

The McClatchy Company is a leading news and information provider and publisher of iconic brands such as the Miami Herald, The Kansas City Star, The Sacramento Bee, The Charlotte Observer, The (Raleigh) News and Observer and the (Fort Worth) Star-Telegram. With headquarters in Sacramento, California, McClatchy operates media companies in 28 U.S. markets in 14 states, providing each of its communities with high-quality news and advertising services in a wide array of digital and print formats.

McClatchy turned to Dynatrace to help better understand and optimize every users' experience at every digital touch point - mobile web, desktop web and native apps.

"We selected Dynatrace UEM because in our impressions-based business, delivering a superior user experience is a mission-critical imperative. We are 100 percent committed to providing our digital readers with great experiences on mobile devices and web browsers, as well as providing our advertisers with an effective means of reaching their audiences," said Jason Adkins, VP of Web Operations at The McClatchy company. "Not only will Dynatrace UEM empower us to resolve issues before they impact customers and advertisers, it will give us deep insight across our digital ecosystem to refine our technical and design decisions."

Dynatrace UEM will also provide McClatchy with valuable insight into how third-party services impact performance. This visibility will allow the company to keep a close watch on specific vendors having problems, work with them to improve overall user experience and proactively address issues as they arise.

In the future, McClatchy plans to use Dynatrace to gain further insight into user experiences on its responsive websites, and incorporate UEM into its native mobile applications. The company will also use the technical and business insights available in Dynatrace UEM to help inform development decisions across mobile and web platforms.

"We are very pleased The McClatchy Company has chosen Dynatrace UEM to optimize performance across its digital assets," said Steve Tack, VP of Product Management at Dynatrace. "The digital transformation we are seeing in all business sectors is having a profound impact on the media industry. As business models and consumption models evolve, the winners will be companies who understand the importance of strategies centered on delivering great experiences for mobile web, mobile application and web users. McClatchy is a leader in this area, and we are proud to partner with them."
[] · 05.03.2015 · 13:24 Uhr
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