Was ist Deutschland aus?


17 April 2010
Kann mir jemand bitte sagen Sie mir, was Deutschland ist wie? Ich werde irgendwann dort zu bewegen. Wie sind das Leute? Ich weiß, es ist eine Straße ohne Tempolimit, richtig?
Vermutlich der Google-Übersetzer aus einer Sprache, die mit Deutsch nicht wirklich Ähnlichkeit hat.

Ich vermute, dass soll heißen:
Kann mir jemand bitte sagen, wie Deutschland so ist? Ich werde irgendwann dort hinziehen. Wie sind die Leute? Ich weiß, es auf der Straße gibt es kein Tempolimit, richtig?
Tempolimit haben wir freilich. (Außer du findest mal n Stück, wo kein Verkehrsschild steht)
@winter Hier siehst du das er Englisch Spricht: https://www.klamm.de/forum/showthread.php?t=322190

Germans are very Special. :D The Most Germans are no Nazis or Friends of H****r. We have no Speedlimit thats right, but not all about. In German you can see a lot of things you can see nice forests, fields, cities, beaches and a lot more.
The assertion germans only ate Potatoes & Sausages with pickled cabbage is not true we also have good Restaurants or Fast Food Restaurants like KFC, BK or Mc D.
I hope you understand my English i'm in Class 8.
So have Fun in germany!
PS: We also have California and Brasilia its named as "Californien" & "Brasilien" take a look
I hope you understand my English i'm in Class 8.

Eure Englisch ist richtig! ( I hope I said that correctly.)

There were only two incorrect things about your post.

1) You used the past tense of the word 'eat', which is 'ate'. You should have used 'eat'.
2) You capitlized unnecessary nouns, but if I knew German as good as you did I would do the same thing!
Well, may you tell us where you are from? We could point out the differences for you. :)

Compared to America for example, Germany has a big population relative to the area. That means we don't really have free space here. It's all used or protected to keep the nature ;)
With a car, you can reach any town from anywhere within one day. By the way, fuel is very expensive over here.
Yes, there are some roads without a speed limit, but they vanish more and more.

Most german people are not very patriotic, and racism is really, really unpopular, contrary to the international opinion.

Maybe you could ask a little more precisely, it would make it easier to answer ;)

Why don't you go to your local Community College and ask if they offer German 111? Usually courses in college are much better than the ones during high school. At my college as well as at the university I go to, there is even a teacher from Germany teaching the courses. Otherwise, you will pick up a lot during your first weeks of staying in a foreign country. Practice is the best teacher usually.
Hey, something you definitely should know when you come to Germany: Nobody wants to hurt an US citizen by calling him "Ami". For us, Ami is just a shorter expression for Amerikaner.

If you want to speak German here, you should try to go to the north of Germany, to Hannover, for example. It is said, that the guys there speak the purest German. In the south it might become a little bit difficult for you to understand the people, because the local accent is strange. You can talk to almost anybode, because they will try to speak pure German (we call it "Hochdeutsch"), but if you listen to what people say in a bus just to learn from it, than you would be disappointed. On the other hand, if you are looking for a job, the south is better for you.

Once you are in Germany, you can travel to almost all countries that belong to the European union, there is no customs, no checkpoint. Mostly there is just a sign that informs you that you are now in a different country.

BTW: if you use a car, it is easily possible to drive round the lake Constance in one day. That means, that you have visited Germany, Switzerland and Austria. For us this is nothing special, but the colleagues from our Facility in Shawnee/Kansas are always astonished if they do such a ride. Just recently a Canadian said to me, that for them it is unusual to have visited three differen Cities within a single day...

As most of the Germans speak English to some extend, there no reason to hesitate. Get your stuff packed an come over...:mrgreen:
(someone please correct my mistakes)
Im Deutschen sagt du nicht "Ich war geboren". Das klingt so, als wenn du schon tot bist und dein Leben hinter dir liegt. Richtig: "Ich bin geboren".

I am alive <-> Ich bin am Leben.
I am dead <-> Ich bin tot.
I was born <-> Ich bin geboren.

Wiktionary: https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/geb%C3%A4ren

Und die Satzstellung stimmt nicht so ganz:
Ich will nach Deutschland zu gehen (besser: umziehen [to move]), weil ich in Deutschland geboren bin.
?? I dunno what you mean.

German is hard to master in a short time span so no worries :mrgreen: .
Takes you some practice and patience :p
Echols, I propose you write your posts in english and in german. Thus we alway know what you intended to express and can make corrections or proposals for better german.

Echols, ich schlage vor du schreibst posts auf Englisch und Deutsch. So wissen wir immer, was Du ausdrücken wolltest und können Korrekturen oder Vorschläge für besseres Deutsch machen.

BTW: When being in Germany it doesn't really matter, whether your german is perfect or not. The most important is that it can be understood what you said. Here we have lots of foreigners who don't speak german perfectly, but always can be understood quite well.