150Cents.com / PTC / 01.03.2011


Well-known member
ID: 397946
4 Februar 2011
Welcome to 150Cents!
Der erste, der sich bei mir anmeldet erhält nach 33 Clicks 3 Millionen Klammlose. In der zweiten Ebene gibts nach 33 Klicks 2 Millionen KL und in der dritten wiederum nach 33 Klicks 1 Millionen KL

This is the most realistic matrix/PTC program. We have been analyzing the "earn online" market for quite some time and came to conclusion that there were no real matrix systems and working PTCs, 99% of which disappear within several months after launch

Well, we are here to fix that! If you are tired of countless scam programs, you've come to the right place. Our goal was to make a realistic matrix, that would give an opportunity to really make money and a real PTC with real advertisements.

This is your time to earn!

This matrix is based on 150 cents. That's how much you need to pay to get in. If you don't want to spend your money, you can earn it with our PTC. As you can see in the picture, the matrix itself is very flexible. You don't need to get a certain amount of referrals in order to move to the next level. You just need to get enough funds to upgrade. The prices are:

1st level 2nd level 3rd level 4th level 5th level
$1.5 $1.5 $3 $6 $12

Diese Form einer PTC/Matrix Seite hat's in sich!

Hier geht's zur Anmeldung:
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Ich sag's auf Deutsch:
Es muss nicht eingezahlt werden um der Matrix beizutreten! Man kann sich das nötige Geld durch Werbung klicken verdienen oder auch auszahlen lassen.
Die Auszahlungsgrenze beträgt $0.5 und bei ALertPay $1

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