Passwort-Verwaltungsprogramm? - oder: Wie mache ich meinen Account sicherer?

Sehr schön! :clap: KeePass ist und bleibt super verlässlich und man kann auf alle Passwörter ruckzuck zugreifen. Viel besser als jeden Zettelwirtschaft in einer abgeschlossenen Schublade.

Aber was sind das für Passwortgenerierungsvoreeinstellungen? Irgendwie finde ich die gerade nicht, warum auch immer.

kennt hier jemand ein Linux-kompatibles Passwortverwaltungsprogramm ausgestattet mit einer Import- bzw. Konvertierfunktion von RoboForm-Passwortdatenbanken?
Das hier so oft erwähnte Keepass gibt es zwar auch für Linux, ist aber in der Grundform nicht mit der von mir gesuchten Funktion ausgestattet und deshalb nur minderen Nutzens für mich, da eine manuelle Passwort- oder genauer gesagt Logindatenübertragung zu viel Zeit in Anspruch nimmt und ich zu faul bin :)ugly:) mir selbst ein RoboForm-Importplugin für Keepass zu programmieren, sollte es bereits ein anderes brauchbares Passwortverwaltungsprogramm mit einer solchen Funktion geben.
sag ma was machste eigentlich wenn dein PC einwegbekommt und du ihn formatieren musst, weil es nicht anders geht (virus etc)?

Dann sind doch alle PWs weg oder wird die Database im Internet verschlüsselt gespeichert? :roll:
Dafür macht der ordentliche Mensch backups [von mir aus auch im INet], ist doch eigentlich logisch.
Genau, ich z. B. habe meine Passwörter/Login-Daten und mein Passwortverwaltungsprogramm jeweils auf meiner PC-Festplatte und auf meinem USB-Stick und halte beides stets synchron. Und selbst wenn beides verloren gehen sollte, dann könnte ich mir die Passwörter neu generieren, da sie einfach nur gehasht sind aus einem meiner Master-Passwörter und der Internet-Domain, für welche sie bestimmt sind.
sag ma was machste eigentlich wenn dein PC einwegbekommt und du ihn formatieren musst, weil es nicht anders geht (virus etc)?
Mal ganz ehrlich: Wenn mir die Festplatte abraucht und ich kein Backup hab, dann sind verlorene Passwörter wohl mein geringstes Problem ;)
Bei KeePass wird ja auch alles sehr übersichtlich in einer einzigen Datei gespeichert. Von daher ist der Aufwand gleich null. :)

Denke ich auch mal, jeder Dienst von dem ich ein PW eingetragen habe, wird wohl ein 'Passwort vergessen' Button haben
Außer du hast bei ICQ keine Mail-Adresse angegeben. Dann hast du ein Problem...
KeePass 1.09 available!

KeePass 1.09 available!

KeePass 1.09 has been released today!

You can get it here: Download KeePass 1.09.

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade from any previous version to 1.09. KeePass 1.09 is 100% backward compatible with previous versions.

Hash sums and OpenPGP signatures for integrity checking are available.

Changes from 1.08 to 1.09:

New Features:
  • Added option to permute passwords generated using a pattern (this allows generating passwords that follow complex rules).
  • Added ability to specify custom character sets in password generation patterns.
  • Implemented new URL opening method (as workaround for buggy Firefox file handler registration on some systems).
  • Documents can now be opened using cmd:// URLs (shell execute).
  • Added support for CF_CLIPBOARD_VIEWER_IGNORE clipboard format (clipboard viewers/extenders compliant with this format ignore data copied by KeePass).
  • Improved window position/size/state handling (added support for Win+M / 'Show Desktop' command, window managers, ...).
  • Improved window positioning (PX=0/PY=0 works now).
  • Added -readonly command line switch; if present, the database will be opened in read-only mode.
  • Added ability to specify the characters a TAN can consist of.
  • KeePass now stores the user and machine name in .lock files, so it can show who's currently editing the file when trying to open a locked file.
  • Added support for subitem infotips in various list controls (languages list, export options, plugins, ...).
  • Added support for toggling items in option lists by pressing the Spacebar key.
  • Installer can now associate .kdb files with KeePass.
  • The password generator now remembers the last used settings (even if they are not saved manually as a profile).
  • Network administrators: cascading configuration model now uses a separate enforced configuration file.
  • Improved configuration saving/loading (improved behavior under Windows Vista when using the installer, improved out of the box support for installation by admin / usage by user, better limited user account handling, ...).
  • Added pattern placeholder 'S' to generate printable 7-bit ASCII characters.
  • Added pattern placeholder 'b' to generate brackets.
  • Added quick key file accessibility test in the password dialog (shows helpful system message on error).
  • Temporary files are now named randomly.
  • The password generator dialog is now shown in the Windows taskbar if the main window is minimized to tray.
  • KeePass now offers to open the help file when importing a CSV file fails.
  • The 'About' dialog is now automatically closed when clicking an hyperlink.
  • Expired/used TAN entries are not shown in the expired entries dialog any more.
  • Expired entries are not shown any more in the auto-type entry selection dialog.
  • Improved password generator profile management (UI).
  • KeePass now shows a descriptive system error message if executing a cmd:// URL fails.
  • Improved text in password generator window to allow easier translation.
  • Changed password pattern placeholders to support ANSI.
  • '-' is now treated as TAN character by default, not as separator any more.
  • The main window title now shows 'File - KeePass Password Safe' instead of 'KeePass Password Safe [File]'; improved tooltip text for tray icon.
  • Unhiding the master password now requires unsafe operations permission.
  • After searching, the first entry is automatically selected (but the quick-search box still has the focus).
  • The option to automatically open the last database is enabled now by default.
  • Database is now marked as modified when generating a password.
  • Minimizing to tray is now enabled by default.
  • Renamed some menu commands to be more consistent with Windows.
  • Removed duplicate message box that appeared when checking for updates and a new version is available.
  • Removed deprecated API exports; new API must be used by plugins from now on.
  • Main window does not move any more when trying to go below the minimum size.
  • UI now mostly follows the Windows Vista UI text guidelines.
  • Improved high ANSI characters support in command lines.
  • Improved installer (added start menu link to the CHM help file, publisher information, ...).
  • KeePassLibC: Improved 64-bit compatibility.
  • The expired entries dialog is not shown any more when the database is unlocked because of a global auto-type operation.
  • "Tray/Untray" menu item is now correctly disabled when a dialog is open.
  • 'New' and 'Open' menu commands are now also enabled when the workspace is locked.
  • Unified dialog elements.
  • Decreased executable file size.
  • Fixed various problems that occured when KeePass was minimized to tray ('--exit-all' not working, problems at Windows shutdown, IPC problems, ...).
  • Fixed a bug in the tray icon third-party component that could leave an unresponsive button in the Windows task bar.
  • The tray icon does not freeze any more when the Windows workspace is locked.
  • Fixed various drawing bugs that occured when disabling the 'Display images on buttons' option.
  • The button tooltips in the password generator dialog are translated correctly now.
  • The hot key to bring the KeePass window to front now also works when the 'Disable all auto-type features' option is enabled.
  • KeePass now selects the correct group when navigating to a group after performing a search.
  • Jumping to an entry from the expired entries dialog now also works correctly when unlocking a database.
  • The password list is now updated correctly after drag&dropping entries into another group (view restoration).

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hacker , *grrrrrrrrrr* . diese sicherheitslücken immer , nur weil es (Sorry) Idioten gibt die Acc´s Hacken wollen , zum Ko..... !!!!
KeePass 1.10 available!

KeePass 1.10 has been released today!

You can get it here: Download KeePass 1.10.

This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade from any previous version to 1.10. KeePass 1.10 is 100% backward compatible with previous versions.

Hash sums and OpenPGP signatures for integrity checking are available.
If you got problems after upgrading to 1.10, please read KeePass Knowledge Base: Upgrading to 1.10. If you used 1.08 or earlier, you might also want to read KeePass Knowledge Base: Upgrading to 1.09.


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